From "Autozine.nl" the internet automotive magazine
Reactions by ownersName : "Mail"
Experience with the car : Beautiful car, drives incredibble. Enjoyable to drive on the highway. On rough terrain, remarkably quite, no rattling. Consumption 11-12Ltr/100km, not very economical. But one should not complain when buying a car like this.
Name : S.Snijder
Experience with the car : Experience the sensation! What a perfect car.
Name : "Info"
Experience with the car :
You can buy the 2.4liter gasoline with confidence. It is not a performance vehicle, but what difference does it make doing zero to 100kph (60mph) in eleven and not 10 seconds, just one second. Easy to move around traffic . If you are looking for a nice spacious vehicle, you try the Captiva. I recommended it.
Name : Pijnacker
Experience with the car :
I am absolutely satisfied with it wit the 2.4L version I bought. The car is extremely comfortable and richly equipped,especially for a base model.
Name : Richard Druppers
Experience with the car :
You have to buy it! Everybody has something to complain about the 2.4L engine. Here (www.autozine.nl), de Autoweek, Autovisie and others. I startedwith the info compiled from deze publication and bought the Captiva anyway. Conclusion : Sometimes the automotive press is not in line with our experience.
No need to spend unnecessarily, at least givethe 2.4L-version a try. For me he is more than satisfactory.
Comments on the testreportName : BMW
I tried the V6 and I have to say that I was impressed, beautiful finish, tight suspension, drives very controlled. In comparison to the Santa Fe and the Sorento(Hyundai), the Captiva gives a more definitive European impression.
Name : Victor
I tried the 150PK diesel version but eventually choose the 127HP version. I will only get mine in June. After reading the testreports, we started wondering if we choose the right engine.
Name ; Herman Van Dijk
I too drove an entire weekend in the 2.4L Captiva and I have to admit that I was surprised by its comfort, quite ride and quality of the car. In respect to any minusses of the 2.4L; I didn't notice any! It rides beatifully.
Name : Verryssen Ronal
I tried it during the Open House, and was charmed by this beautiful SUV, the 2.4L version. The price/quality performance is quite reasonable if not excellent.
Name : Robert Gras
I too tried my hand at this baby, and I have to agree with the previous comment plus the following : What is wrong with the 2.4L? True, it's not a performance beast, will not tear up the road, but then I would have taken a Cayenne (Oh no, forget it! Did you see the price?). So : a car with a great impression. Even with the 2.4, a decent performance and great material finish. Mij opinion : For the driver who is not a real road warrior and looks for something different.
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