Friday, June 30, 2006
GM Daewo Tuntut Chery Auto
Jumat, 13 Mei 2005
PERUSAHAAN mobil raksasa AS, GM (General Motor) pemilik GM Daewo (Korea) secara resmi awal pekan ini (9/5) mengajukan tuntutan pada perusahaan industri mobil Cina, Chery Automobile di pengadilan Beijing, ibu kota RRC atas tuduhan penjiplakan mobil Daewo Matiz dan Chevrolet Spark oleh Chery Automobile dengan nama Chery QQ yang dilakukan tahun 2004 lalu. GM Daewo menurut Fox News menuntut Chery Auto membayar ganti rugi sebesar 6 juta dolar AS (50.000 yuan) atas penjiplakan secara keseluruhan bentuk luar dan dalam Chery QQ yang ibarat fotokopi Daewo Matiz dan Chevrolet Spark. Menurut Jubir GM Daewo, hampir 80% komponen Chery QQ bisa dipasang di Daewo Matiz.
(bk/fox news) ***
(Majalah "Otomotif")
Kok, seperti bau gorengan? Wah, kalau begini sih, seperti bau ikan asin! Begitulah komentar orang-orang yang
Sebenarnya Intercity Trial ini merupakan langkah awal dari ekspedisi yang akan dilakukan pada tanggal
Tak ada perbedaan dengan diesel biasa
12-20 Juli nanti. Melalui rute Atambua, Nusa Tenggara Timur, hingga berakhir di
Nah, dengan jarak tempuh 325 km, bolak-balik Jakarta-Bandung, merupakan 'simulasi' akan proses pengujian nantinya. Jadi, semua pengujian, baik kecepatan serta performa pada mobil akan diukur. Termasuk konsumsi bahan bakar hingga pengujian kebisingan suara yang dihasilkan oleh mesin dengan bahan bakar yang berbeda tadi.
Begitu mesin menyala, sirkulasi pendingin mesin (radiator) digunakan sebagai pemanas untuk minyak jarak yang akan digunakan berikutnya. Begitu sudah panas, minyak jarak pun menggantikan solar sebagai 'minuman' mesin.
jangan heran kalau setelah disalip Anda pengin makan!
• Ben Otomotif
Chevy Captiva : Geneva or Jakarta Motor Show ????
We will have to see at the end of July, won't we?
Chevy Captiva : Specifications (UK)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Captiva Testdrive with Seven on board
Sitting in the back seat of the car, we had the opportunity to better check out the possibilities offered to the occupants of the second row. After the weather cleared we tried out all the different seating arrangements possible.
Read the full story (in French)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
GM Daewoo Boosts Production
The two-shift operations, coming after the rehiring of the automaker's fired workers, signals that the automaker is on the right track now following GM's takeover of then-bankrupt Daewoo Motor in October 2002.
The daily production capacity of Bupyong's second plant will rise to 620 units from 310 units as the automaker is trying to meet rising sales in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific countries and the
The SUV will be sold overseas as the "Captiva" by Chevrolet and Holden. With CKDs to
This year, GM Daewoo expects to sell a total of 1.5 million vehicles from last year's 1.15 million in 2005.
Bupyong's second plant has been on one-shift operations since August 1999 while other plants, including those in Gunsan, Changwon and Bupyong's number-one plant in South Korea, have been on two-shift operations.
- Peter Chang at -
Testing the Chevy Captiva : Diesel's latest Glory

A diesel engine in a Chevrolet. Everything comes to those that wait. But it certainly was about time.
GM developed a totally new engine for this Korean. It exists of a second generation, 4-cylinder, common rail diesel of the same generation as the second generation variable geometry turbo. Production started in March this year in Gunsan, South-Korea.
Original text (French)...
If you are interested in a further translation of the original text, don't hesitate to leave me a comment.
Monday, June 19, 2006
The 24hrs of Lemans : The Corvette myth
Sunday 18 june 2006 - 17h28
2004, 2005, 2006... Corvette doesn't stop to decisively conquer the laurels at the 24 Hours of LeMans.
To read the full article ...
Chevy Captiva telah tiba (Bahasa Perancis)
Atterrissage à Poprad, en Slovaquie, pour découvrir la Chevrolet Captiva en mettant le cap sur Zakopane en Pologne. La grande nouveauté avec cette voiture, ce n’est pas tant l’arrivée d’un SUV dans la gamme, mais plutôt celle du premier moteur Diesel pour le constructeur. Enfin ! Il s’agit d’un moteur à injection directe par rampe commune d’une cylindrée de 2.0 litres avec une puissance de 150 chevaux. Ceci dit, en présentant un véhicule de loisirs, Chevrolet s'attaque à une clientèle qui n'aurait jamais poussé les portes d'un showroom Daewoo.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Chevy Concept : Outdoing Aston?

Is this in answer to the Aston Martin or the Maserati Quattroporte?
One thing is sure, this baby could most definitely get people excited.